My account

When you book online you receive a discount of £7.50 per foot passenger, £7.50 per motorcycle and £15 per 4-wheeled vehicle. Standard Fares: You will receive a 2% discount when booking online.

If you have forgotten your password, click the 'Forgot Password?' link when you are asked to login and follow the instructions. We will then send you the correct password to your previously nominated email address.

To change your password please click on 'My Account' and log in with your existing password, you will then be given the option to change your password. If you have forgotten your password, click the 'Forgot Password?' link when you are asked to login and follow the instructions. We will then send you the correct password to your previously nominated email address.

In order to make booking as seemless and efficient as possible you can add all your personal details, such as name, address, postcode etc. to your account. For security, we do not store payment details. These need to be entered each time you make a booking. You can read more about how your data is stored and used in our privacy policy.

Personal details can be changed on your account, excluding vehicle registration changes, all this can be done online.